skyward sumner county

What is Skyward Sumner County?

Skyward Sumner County is an online portal that provides access to student information for Sumner County Schools in Tennessee. It is a helpful tool for parents, students, and teachers to keep track of academic progress, attendance, schedules, and more. This platform offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for anyone to navigate.

How to Access Skyward Sumner County

To access Skyward Sumner County, users need to log in to their account using their username and password. Parents can create an account by contacting their child's school and requesting login information. Students and teachers are automatically given login credentials by their school district.

What Are the Benefits of Skyward Sumner County?

Skyward Sumner County offers many benefits for parents, students, and teachers. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Academic Progress Tracking: Parents can monitor their child's academic progress, including grades, assignments, and test scores. This helps them identify areas where their child may need additional support or guidance.

2. Attendance Tracking: Parents can track their child's attendance to ensure they are attending school regularly. This feature also allows them to request excused absences and view attendance records.

3. Schedule Management: Students and parents can access their class schedules, including course descriptions, teacher names, and room numbers. This helps them stay organized and plan their day accordingly.

4. Communication: Skyward Sumner County offers a messaging system that allows parents, students, and teachers to communicate with each other. This is a great way to stay informed about important school information and upcoming events.


Q: How do I create a Skyward Sumner County account?

A: Parents can create an account by contacting their child's school and requesting login information. Students and teachers are automatically given login credentials by their school district.

Q: Can I access Skyward Sumner County from my mobile device?

A: Yes, Skyward Sumner County is accessible from any device with an internet connection, including smartphones and tablets.

Q: Is Skyward Sumner County secure?

A: Yes, Skyward Sumner County uses secure servers to protect user data and ensure privacy.


In conclusion, Skyward Sumner County is an essential tool for anyone involved in the Sumner County School District. It provides easy access to important information, helps parents stay informed about their child's academic progress, and allows for effective communication between parents, students, and teachers. With Skyward Sumner County, everyone can stay connected and informed about all things related to education.