12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget is a devotion that involves reciting a set of prayers daily for a period of 12 years. Saint Bridget of Sweden, also known as Birgitta of Vadstena, was a 14th-century mystic and visionary who founded the Bridgettine Order of nuns and monks.
The 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget consists of 15 prayers, which are said daily for a year. After each year, a person may choose to continue the devotion for another year or stop. The prayers are said in honor of the wounds that Jesus Christ suffered during his crucifixion.

FAQs about 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

What are the benefits of the 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget?

The 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget is believed to bring many spiritual benefits to the person who recites it. Some of the benefits include increased faith, greater devotion to God, and a deeper understanding of the sufferings of Christ.

Can anyone recite the 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget?

Yes, anyone can recite the 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget. It is not limited to members of the Bridgettine Order or to Catholics. The prayer is open to anyone who wishes to deepen their spiritual life and grow closer to God.


The 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget is a beautiful devotion that has been practiced for centuries. By reciting these prayers daily for 12 years, a person can deepen their spiritual life and grow closer to God. Whether you are a member of the Bridgettine Order or simply looking to enhance your faith, consider incorporating the 12 year prayer of Saint Bridget into your daily routine.